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oh no!
Posted By: Jommeke, on host
Date: Thursday, August 12, 1999, at 08:24:07
In Reply To: Re: policy.... posted by famous on Thursday, August 12, 1999, at 08:08:33:

> > > >(and famous too, but i dont wanna drack him into it too :) oops i did!)?
> > >
> > > HER!!!!! I'm a her, not a him. ROFL! have you been reading the gender confusion posts at all???
> > >
> >This is great! ha! I'm talking to a person two days long through a message forum, ive got a picture of that person, sitting behind a computer, as a computer programmer, i thought that person was a 'he' and then all of sudden it turns out to be a 'she', this is so so so embarrasing for me, for my imagination, for my whole being!
> > (cut and pasted from your other post) Ok, ive just read famous'reply to the gender confusion-subject... This sure breaks my image-generator down!!! Really, i had a completely different idea or picture of ya!
> Ok, now I am curious...what else did you think of me, besides the whole computer programmer thing? Hope I didn't shock you too much.
> famous ;)

Oh no! I knew it while i was typing that line!
I shouldnt have typed something like that cos you sure would come back to it...especially since you're female now (kidding! just kidding!!!) lol

Well, the idea i have of most people (guys!) on the internet (forgive me guys, but i realize there are others too), is one of a 'computer nerd', you know, big glasses, sitting behind his screen, a-social, no other friends but his computer and his internet-buddies and... well you know!

ATTENTION: i KNOW you arent (all) like that, but its just something in my mind (like i said, i really need a new image-generator! lol)...and i even got a logical phsychological explanation for it:
Here, in my country, the internet isnt available for everybody yet, i mean, companies got it, but the people at home, well, only a few got it, not as many as in Canada or the States or Australia...
So, since we are not so familiar with it as you, there is a little distance, a little unknowledge... and its normal that where more people have the internet, there are more 'normal' people on it, than nerds or whatssoever..
(humm, i dont think this explanation sounds logical at all, lol)


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