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Re: Flirting
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Thursday, August 12, 1999, at 19:26:58
In Reply To: Flirting posted by Sam on Thursday, August 12, 1999, at 15:17:43:

> > ...since everyone likes to think of themselves as appearing witty and interesting to the opposite sex. For us marrieds, though, it's something to be careful of -- you don't want to flirt while you chat -- and I wish that our society were better versed in the art of...
> Personally, I think we should use other species in the animal kingdom as examples, adopting *their* ways of flirting, freeing up the pursuit of simple conversation, with flair or without, to be unambiguously free of ulterior motives.
> For instance, when many mammals flirt, they put their colorful coats on display. So we wear vibrant, multicolored clothing. We can puff ourselves up and strut around, too. "Look at my copious cheek pockets!" would be a pick-up line of choice, spoken, of course, while flexing muscles and shimmying around the room in a mating dance.
> Since I'm already married, I think this is a great idea.

I guess I opened that Gender Confusion can of worms. Sorry. Anyway, here is my final thought on the subject:
It shouldn't make any difference. We are communicating brain-to-brain here. There is no physical contact, no eye contact, we don't even hear each others voices. I like it that way because we get to know personalities, not appearences. A long time ago, I learned to (sort of) ignore gender. As a male teacher in an elementary school, almost all of my co-workers were women. It wasn't unusual for me to be in a meeting with a hundred teachers, and guess who was the only male! After a while, I hardly noticed. The funny thing about it is that my wife worked in a national lab with wall-to-wall engineers. Nearly all of them were men. It wasn't a problem with her either.

One more thing, and I'll hush.
I once tagged along with my daughter to a meeting of her flight attendent's union. There were four or five men and about 40 very beautiful women. One of them asked me is I was unconfortable being in a room with so many women. My daughter had to explain why I was laughing.

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