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Re: Who (or what) is in a name?
Posted By: koalamom, on host
Date: Thursday, May 30, 2002, at 17:10:55
In Reply To: Who (or what) is in a name? posted by Howard on Saturday, May 25, 2002, at 18:29:25:

. If your last name was Thomas, would you name your son Thomas? Thomas Thomas?

No, I wouldn't, but was aquainted with a
Robert Roberts at one time.

Also met:
--Glory Merchant
--Emerald Green and her sister, Amber

Went to school with:
--Clay Lily
--Autumn Wolfe
--Twinkle Hahn (parents let the siblings name her)
...and a girl whose first name was Treasure (don't remember the last name).

Used to work with:
--Peter Pan (always a bit startling to hear him paged over the intercom)
--Li Ping (pronounce Li as in Liface with an "ee"sound)
...and had a client named Mr. Mububifharti (that's bubi as is boo-bee). We all used to giggle like fourth graders when we had to call him.

Heard of a radio personality called Benjamin Dover--that's right, Ben Dover. Supposedly *not* a stage name; if so, what *were* his parents thinking?

koala"my maiden name was both a verb and a noun"mom

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