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Re: Wise Resolution
Posted By: Sam, on host
Date: Tuesday, July 17, 2001, at 17:09:40
In Reply To: Re: Wise Resolution posted by Dave on Tuesday, July 17, 2001, at 11:51:29:

> You seem to have this fixation about salt. You're the guy who won't eat at Boston Market because it's "too salty". I dont' even think they USE salt at Boston Market. I think you just have salt dispensers in your mouth that go off whenever you eat certain foods. Or something.

For the sake of my crusade against Wise snack products, I guess I'll finally concede that Boston Market really isn't all that salty in general -- but it *was* too salty the first time I ever went there, so it got branded with my first impression. Every time I've been there since has been fine.

However, you are correct about me and salt. I don't like salt. I like most things unsalted, and most other things very lightly salted. I prefer the taste of low salt Wheat Thins, and, back when they made them, low salt Cheez-Its, to the original kinds.

However however, that is not to say I can't tell the difference between "too salty" and "too salty for my tastes." These Cheez Doodles were the saltiest salty snack food I remember eating in my life. It truly was like the "cheez" powder on the outside was actually colored salt.

And it was disgusting beyond the salt. The consistency was like those bio-degradeable packaging peanut things. It was so salty, I had to drink a whole 16 oz cup of water to get it down, and then the taste lingered in my mouth so much I had to down a cup of strong hot chocolate, and then it was STILL lingering in my mouth.


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