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Re: Wise Resolution
Posted By: Darien, on host
Date: Friday, July 20, 2001, at 09:53:14
In Reply To: Re: Wise Resolution posted by Brunnen-G on Wednesday, July 18, 2001, at 04:10:03:

> Brunnen-"how about a nice chunk of the nitrate-soaked leg of a dead pig, and a slice of the congealed mammary fluid of a cow encrusted with thick mould...on rye"G

Ick. Rye bread? Could I get that yummy dilectable on something more appealing... wheat, perhaps? But certainly not "white bread" - may as well call it Pasteurized Process Bread Food. The modern, factory-produced wonder bread is to real bread what cheez is to cheese.

Which isn't to say there is no such thing as "good" white bread. Real, fresh-baked white bread is quite good. It just doesn't resemble the common "white bread" in very many respects, is all. :-}