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Re: Beyond cheez
Posted By: dingdong, on host
Date: Saturday, July 21, 2001, at 01:53:02
In Reply To: Beyond cheez posted by koalamom on Thursday, July 19, 2001, at 00:11:24:

> I heard on the news yesterday that the latest food Frankestein waiting to be unleashed is a new version of peanut butter. This peanut butter is somehow congealed into thin, non-sticky, sandwich-sized slabs and wrapped individually in plastic [like slices of American cheez, er, cheese]. So instead of having to scoop it untidily out of a jar, you simply unwrap your peanut butter slab and pop it onto the bread, nice and neat. Ugg.
> koala"no word yet on how they intend to improve the jelly"mom

Quite a few years ago, they brought out a pre-mixed version. I think there were two versions: Peanut paste with jam, or with honey. You could see it all swirled up in the jar.

I never tried them, they didn't look too appetising, and I don't think they're around any more.

ding"that would definitely stick to the roof of your mouth"dong

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