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Re: Silly people
Posted By: Dave, on host
Date: Friday, June 22, 2001, at 16:16:30
In Reply To: Re: Silly people posted by Andrea on Friday, June 22, 2001, at 14:58:08:

> So if two 10-years old do such a terrible
>thing, the solution is their execution?

That's definitely a possibility.

> Don't you think that the real problem is
>elsewhere and trying to understand it may
>prevent other crimes?

I most DEFINITELY don't think the real problem is "elsewhere". One of the BIGGEST problems in this world today, and in the US in particular, is people NOT TAKING RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR OWN ACTIONS. There's no way you can convince me these boys didn't at least know that they were causing extreme pain to their victim, and didn't at least have some idea that what they were doing was WRONG. Ignorance of the law is not a defense. Neither is ignorance of right and wrong. You're still *wrong*, even if you didn't understand it somehow.

I've said in other posts in this thread that I don't know if the death penalty was the appropriate answer in this case. But I will unrepentantly say that I certainly think that it should have at least been one of the options, and that I think that there are times when putting a 10 year old to death for such heinous crimes WOULD be the right thing to do.

> As far as I know, death penalty didn't reduce
>crime rates in the USA...

Don't start this argument. Why are you even bringing this up?? Who cares about crime rates? I don't. I've never argued that the death penalty lowers crime rates. This is obviously just a knee-jerk response to the debate. You didn't even bother to see what my argument *was* before you pulled the trigger with this response.

> Will you be of the same idea if you will be
>sentenced to death because of a judgement error
>or because you're one of those people that can't
>afford a good lawyer?


Judgement error?? Beating a two year old boy with bricks and letting him be cut in half by a train is NOT a "judgement error". Calling it such is so wrong as to be sickening. It's EVIL and WRONG, plain and simple.

And I can't fathom that people commit capital crimes by simply making a bad call on a judgement decision. To be charged with capital murder requires at the very least pre-meditation. That means at some point you must have planned on killing someone. That's not a judgement error. That's stone cold murder. It's not something you do because you made a mistake. It's something you do because it's what you want to do, and what you planned on doing.

Not enough money for a good lawyer? One of the many appeals allowed a person sentenced to die is a request for a new trial based on poor representation in the previous trial. It's one of the many checks in the system.

-- Dave

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