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Re: Silly people
Posted By: Andrea, on host
Date: Monday, June 25, 2001, at 11:19:35
In Reply To: Re: Silly people posted by Dave on Friday, June 22, 2001, at 16:16:30:

Before this degenerates into a "EU vs. USA" debate or something similar, I'd like to write down my last words on this issue.

A sidenote story: six or seven years ago I met a person, an U.S. citizen, whose father is nowadays a judge in one of the Federal Circuits; three yrs. ago I had a feedback about death penalty in the U.S. that also specified the (supposed) number of innocent people executed and, generally, showed a system that has as many weak points as are the strong ones.
At any rate, that documentation enforced my opposition to death penalty.

Going back to our discussion: your msg. seemed a deliberate support to death penalty against rehabilitation disguised as a comment about a particular crime.

My point of view is, in a few words, this:
1) everyone is responsible of his own actions;
2) there are always social/environmental/cultural conditions that *must* be considered when judging someone's actions, without being themselves an "excuse" to a crime;
3) maybe also the social/cultural environment should be charged and put under trial.


These discussions have bored me to death.
I've more interesting things to do and more interesting American friends to discuss with.
At any rate, you have my e-mail.


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