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Re: Book/movie RPG versions
Posted By: 10Kan, on host
Date: Sunday, June 17, 2001, at 12:45:02
In Reply To: Re: Book/movie RPG versions posted by Sosiqui on Sunday, June 17, 2001, at 07:52:57:

> (sans puzzles for a movie version, of course)

> Sosi"was reminded of many an adventure game while seeing Atlantis yesterday in the theater"qui

Ay, there's the rub. The puzzles are often tied inextricably to the plot in the better plotted games. For instance, how would you make a movie version of, say, the original Monkey Island without the odd puzzle required to travel to Monkey Island? It wouldn't fit into a movie at all. There's nothing in the game's plot itself that gives another way out of this problem. I really wouldn't trust Hollywood to solve this sort of thing, because I know that they'd gut the story somehow, or leave out something important.

The puzzles are where most of the enjoyment of an adventure game, and many RPGs, is derived. To make a movie version is to rob the viewers of the satisfaction of completing these, and make the game (if the conversion from game to film is done unammended) stand on whatever it has left. That's a tall order for both game designers and the folks who make movies, especially when the game designers had no idea that their game would become a film in the first place.

If game/movies do become common, we'll probably start seeing a completely different style of game emerge.

10"There might be some games that work, though"Kan

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