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Re: Book/movie RPG versions
Posted By: Sosiqui, on host
Date: Monday, June 18, 2001, at 09:20:44
In Reply To: Re: Book/movie RPG versions posted by Arthur on Sunday, June 17, 2001, at 16:12:30:

> Didn't Robyn Miller say he was working on a movie set in the world of Myst?

I have no idea, but somehow that idea seems off to me. The whole mystique (no pun intended) of the Myst/Riven/D'ni world(s) is heavily tangled up in exploration and discovery, and in having *you* be the protagonist. Frankly, it wouldn't be the same watching somebody else do it, even without puzzles... now, I haven't yet read the Myst novels (I have those next on my list to read after Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, which Monkeyman is MAKING me read :p), which I've heard are pretty good... but still the movie is a completely different way of presenting information and requires such a drastic difference that I still can't see such a thing working.

> There's a million other games that might fit the bill; Journeyman Project, Sanitarium, etc.

Heehee... being a Journeyman Project fanatic, my first response is to really really want a movie... except then I come up with conditions (like having Presto Studios do practically everything from screenplay on) that I doubt would be possible. But heck, with Legacy of Time being one of those games with wonderful (and long!) cinematic cutscenes - I remember just being stunned after the FIRST part of the intro, with the Oracle and stuff, because it was so cool - it's almost as good as a movie anyway. :) Although I do think that the world itself would make a solid background for forays into different media.

Nah, forget the movie. Just give me a fourth game and I'll be happy as a clam. :)

Sosi"fully aware of the irony of a Sosiqui responding to an Arthur"qui

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