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Re: Hey darien
Posted By: Stephen, on host
Date: Tuesday, May 11, 1999, at 19:28:30
In Reply To: Re: Hey darien posted by Darien on Tuesday, May 11, 1999, at 18:43:57:

> On another note: wha ha! I now have two threads with my name in them, as well! :-}
> Dar "One step closer to world domination" ien

Whoa ho ho! Not so fast there Darien. Don't forget who is still the Supreme Dictactor for Life of the Rinkforum (me, that's who). If you're planning a coup, all I can say is make to sure to let me know ahead of time so I can have you dealt with.

And as an aside, I'm going to exercise Supreme Executive Power (which must be derived via a mandate from the masses, or by being given a sword by a watery tart) to ban all discussion about Sailor Moon (and to be fair DBZ or any other non-Robotech anime that airs on the Cartoon Network). That is all.

Step "Taking applications for the head of my secret police" hen

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