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Re: Hey darien
Posted By: GrenJeanz, defender of all that is good, on host
Date: Tuesday, May 11, 1999, at 19:37:43
In Reply To: Re: Hey darien posted by Stephen on Tuesday, May 11, 1999, at 19:28:30:

> > On another note: wha ha! I now have two threads with my name in them, as well! :-}
> >
> > Dar "One step closer to world domination" ien
> Whoa ho ho! Not so fast there Darien. Don't forget who is still the Supreme Dictactor for Life of the Rinkforum (me, that's who). If you're planning a coup, all I can say is make to sure to let me know ahead of time so I can have you dealt with.
> And as an aside, I'm going to exercise Supreme Executive Power (which must be derived via a mandate from the masses, or by being given a sword by a watery tart) to ban all discussion about Sailor Moon (and to be fair DBZ or any other non-Robotech anime that airs on the Cartoon Network). That is all.
Grrrrr. I like mecha as much as any anime otaku, but SM kicks any mecha show's butt!

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