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Re: Contriversy
Posted By: Grishny, on host
Date: Friday, August 11, 2000, at 22:01:11
In Reply To: Contriversy posted by Jimmy Of York on Thursday, August 10, 2000, at 22:48:30:

Guess I'll get in on the action too.

> Abortion
Never; it's just a nice word for "murder."

> Assisted Suicide
Never; only God has the right to determine who dies when.

> Death Penalty
I agree with it, since it was instituted by God in the Old Testament.

> Gun Control
Our Constitution gives us the right to bear arms, and "that don't mean short sleeves."

> God
Some of my above answers ought to make it pretty obvious my standing on God. He exists, and since He made everything, He's got a right to call the shots.

> School Uniforms
I think they are becoming more and more necessary in this day and age.

> School Security
I'll just say that I'm very glad and grateful that I got out of public school after fourth grade.

> Human Genome Project
Not sure. I figure, if God doesn't want us messing with it; He'll put a stop to it one way or another.

> Extra Terrestrial Life
Probably not, but it's cool to think about. And write stories about.

> Plastic Surgery
Neutral. It can be used for right or wrong purposes. For example: plastic surgery for a burn victim would be a wonderful thing. Plastic surgery for Michael Jackson wasn't.

> Creation vs Evolution

> TV
TV is full of garbage. Even the "good shows" have little bits and peices of trash that can warp or destroy values. I hardly ever watch TV anymore.

> The Internet
The most versatile tool I have ever had at my disposal. I can use it for just about anything I want. Use it with caution.

> Jimmy O"Stealing Sam's posters!"f York
Nah. The Rinkforum is still the only message forum I post on.


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