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Re: Touché, Howard!
Posted By: Dracimas, on host
Date: Monday, August 7, 2000, at 08:27:55
In Reply To: Re: Touché, Howard! posted by Howard on Sunday, August 6, 2000, at 15:12:15:

> > Um. I seem to have broken one of Howard's rules. Not that I even understood if they were posted jokingly or not, but...Here's the story of my alias:
> >
> > Back in the day, when we had to walk to school backwards, barefoot, through the snow, uphill both ways while churning our own butter because there was a depression going on, dagnabbit, and a nickel would buy a movie ticket and a coke and some ice cream and several multinational corporations...anyway, some time ago I read Dune. Much later, when I had to choose a name to use for most of my online activities, every obscure fantasy/science-fiction/spy-thriller handle I could conjure up was already taken in most places (I didn't want to tack a number on the end of my name, so I needed something original)! The only one that was still unused on most sites like these was "Corrino", the family name of Emperor Shaddam IV in "Dune". So, I typed it in, and voila! (literally, "I have an alias!") Corrino was born. Not that I never use anything else...but I'd be hard pressed to find another name to satisy my pickiness. There it is. The whole tale. Enjoy.
> >
> > Cor"I told the story of my name, yet still I feel a gaping emptiness inside"rino
> Well, Corrino, for a minute there I was sure I'd found someone of my generation on RinkWorks. But I never paid less than a dime for a movie ticket, so I guess you are older than me. I've never read "Dune." Who wrote it?
> Howard

I don't know who wrote it, but it's a pretty interesting movie too. And I saw the other evening where there is a remake of it either in theaters, or about to hit.

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