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Re: Touché, Howard!
Posted By: Corrino, on host
Date: Monday, August 7, 2000, at 12:00:04
In Reply To: Re: Touché, Howard! posted by Charon on Monday, August 7, 2000, at 10:58:51:

> Frank Herbert wrote it. It's a Star Wars-like novel about futuristic intergalactic empires and all that fancy stuff. I've never read it, but I got the gist of it from the back cover. Quote: "Where sandworms 1,000 feet long rule the desert. Where an ancient dream holds the hope for humanity. The magnificent setting for the bestselling science fiction novel of all time..."
> Charon
Spoiler for Dune (Sort of)! Read no further if you wish to read this book on your own!
Here's basically all you need to know: Thousands of years into the future, there's a big empire. Computers have been outlawed. An evil, conniving royal house tries to kill off another royal house. The last surviving male of that family comes back, turns out to be the Savior of humanity, gets revenge, and takes over the Galaxy in a tale that can be compared to anything from (I've actually heard these particular relationships discussed) The Roman Empire to American Politics to Mankind's seach for meaning in life to Pop-Tarts. The End.

The book has a wheels-within-wheels-within-wheels-within-wheels-within-wheels-within-wheels plot, so it usually take more than one reading to get all of it. It is also my favorite science fiction novel of all time, even though I haven't read the approximately 700,000 other books in the series. By the way, it is very un-Star-Wars-like. No computers, remember?

Cor"If RinkWorks had a required reading list, 'Dune' should probably be on it. And it's also the coolest book that involves mind-expanding drugs as a major plot element that i've ever read"rino

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