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Re: X-Men
Posted By: Corrino, on host
Date: Sunday, August 6, 2000, at 18:30:15
In Reply To: X-Men posted by DrLocke on Sunday, August 6, 2000, at 18:06:11:

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> I saw X-men the other day, and I ended up being disappointed a bit. While it wasn't bad as an action movie, it had the potential to be more than just another action movie, and it came so close to taking that chance, only to fall down in the end. I find myself wondering if large portions which might have brought some substance to the movie ended up on the cutting room floor.

I agree. The movie had everything needed to be a Really Good Flick, but, like the pieces of a soggy jigsaw puzzle, they didn't quite fit together.

> anyway, not having ever read the comic book, and only having watched the cartoon a few times, i approach the movie from the standpoint of it being Just a Movie..

Its not "Just a Movie". Didn't you catch the end? They did everything to lead into a sequel except put on the screen, "The X-Men will return" or "To be continued" or some such promise of another film.

> magneto seems to waver between being out and out irrationally evil and simply being extremely misguided but still honorable, at least towards other mutants. this inconsistentcy forms the basis for my major gripe about the movie:

Not only that, but at the end, wouldn't he be smart enough not to play chess against a psychic? Geez...

> why wasn't there any interaction between rogue and magneto? she's hardly defenseless, and it's hard to believe that after she was captured she was unable to make any sort of escape attempt. also, when magneto forced rogue to take his powers, either rogue should have not gained enough power to power the machine, or magneto should have been weakened to the point where rogue could use his power againt him to escape. and it would have been really nice if rogue and magneto had some sort of conversation; perhaps if after rogue had been captured, magneto had attempted to persuade her to help him willingly. with a little bit of psychological manipulation on his part (which worked easily enough earlier) he could have pulled it off- and then rogue wouldn't have even WANTED to be rescued, which would have made for a far more interesting ending.

I'm sure it would make for an interesting ending, but even though my experience with the comic is limited to seeing a stack of them on a bookshelf, I'm fairly sure that wouldn't fit in with the massive, overarching "X-Men" plot.

> thoughts?
> Dr "overqualified british actors are nifty" Locke

Those were mine.

Cor"Tried to drown himself in his large Coke for not going to see 'Space Cowboys'"rino

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