Re: X-Men
Ferrick, on host
Monday, August 7, 2000, at 08:35:21
Re: X-Men posted by Jessica on Monday, August 7, 2000, at 07:38:22:
Some notes on the movie...If you are at this message, you should be aware of possible spoilers.
-The audience was pretty silent when Wolverine was thrown through the window.
-Doesn't Rogue absorb not only a mutants powers but also some of their psyche? I seem to recall that from comic books and how she hated to use her powers to stop a "bad guy" because she became like that person. If this is so, then she would also take on some of Magneto's personality.
-How come no mention of Jean Grey as Phoenix? Does that occur later?
-Still lots of information about Wolverine that wasn't mentioned but will probably come up later.
-What are Sabretooth's powers other than being huge and strong cuz he took a couple of impalements from Wolverine and seemed none the worse for wear?
-Obviously Mystique lives, but do you think Sabretooth and Toad survive?
I enjoyed the movie. I haven't collected comic books in about 10 years but I liked remembering the old storylines even though I didn't collect X-men. I did collect Alpha Flight which was another group with some mutants in it and had a lot of interaction with Wolverine and the X-men. I was happy that they didn't try to do a stand alone movie, a la Batman, because it wouldn't do justice to the complexity of the X-men. But now I have to wait a few years for the sequel.
And with Tobey Maguire slated to play Spiderman in an upcoming movie, do you think they will ever do a crossover?
Fer"ns drop leaves but a vacuum does the t"rick