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Re: X-Men
Posted By: Paul A., on host
Date: Monday, August 7, 2000, at 23:36:30
In Reply To: Re: X-Men posted by Jessica on Monday, August 7, 2000, at 07:38:22:

> > 2) At the viewing I went to, the moment that got the biggest laugh was, oddly, when
> > Wolverine went flying through the windscreen. Everyone in the cinema was laughing
> > uncontrollably when that happened.
> > Did this happen to anyone else?

> actually, no... horrified silence was the response my particular group of movie patrons
> gave, followed by a hushed "oooohhhh" when that huge gash on his forehead healed up.

I wonder if that suggests something about how much the audience you were in knew about Wolverine vs how much the audience I was in knew about Wolverine.

(Interestingly, I didn't know Wolverine's mutant power was healing until I saw the movie[*], but they'd dropped enough hints before he went through the windscreen that I'd been able to work it out.)


[*] I didn't know much about any of the X-Men, really.[**] About all I knew about Wolverine was that he was the grumpy Canadian with the retractable adamantium talons.

[**] For instance: Professor Xavier is a *mutant*?!