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Re: Icky, slimy things
Posted By: Sundragyn, on host
Date: Monday, July 16, 2001, at 09:09:52
In Reply To: Icky, slimy things posted by 10Kan on Sunday, July 15, 2001, at 18:56:01:


I thought I was the only one who though moths were cute! Once, I was hanging around waiting for a performance, and I looked over at this tree, and found this cute, fuzzy gray moth. I plucked it off, stuck it on my finger, and proceeded to introduce my new friend to everyone around.

Needless to say, they weren't impressed.

One girl jumped away from me by about a foot, staring at me like I was holding a live scorpion. Most people were just, "Your... friend." "Yes, my friend. I found her on the tree." Then I stuck her on my shirt, I forgot about her for a bit, and she crawled up onto my neck, which TICKLED and I jumped and she fell off. After a while I put her back on the tree.


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