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Re: Icky, slimy things
Posted By: 10Kan, on host
Date: Monday, July 16, 2001, at 16:28:28
In Reply To: Re: Icky, slimy things posted by Sundragyn on Monday, July 16, 2001, at 09:09:52:

> *SOB!*
> I thought I was the only one who though moths were cute! Once, I was hanging around waiting for a performance, and I looked over at this tree, and found this cute, fuzzy gray moth. I plucked it off, stuck it on my finger, and proceeded to introduce my new friend to everyone around.
> Needless to say, they weren't impressed.
> One girl jumped away from me by about a foot, staring at me like I was holding a live scorpion. Most people were just, "Your... friend." "Yes, my friend. I found her on the tree." Then I stuck her on my shirt, I forgot about her for a bit, and she crawled up onto my neck, which TICKLED and I jumped and she fell off. After a while I put her back on the tree.
> Sun"mothgirl"dragyn.

I did that too! I named mine Fred. Fred the Moth. Similar reactions when I introduced him to folks as well.
