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Re: Name associations
Posted By: Luisa, on host
Date: Sunday, June 17, 2001, at 12:32:17
In Reply To: Name associations posted by Ellmyruh on Friday, June 15, 2001, at 13:38:04:

It interests me how names seem to cluster.
For example, my best friend in high school
was Matt. One of my best friends in college
was Matt. My cousin is Matt. One of my friends
at work is Matt. I realize it's not an uncommon
name, but for a couple of years when I was
close to high school Matt and college Matt, it
made telling stories nearly impossible. I had
to come up with another name to call high
school Matt when I was talking to my college

Also, I think that I get negative connotations
from names of people I don't like, but there are
a few names that (in my experience) always
end up with bad personalities. I think it's
coincidental, but strange all the same.

I've always liked names that have lots of
nickname possibilities. I have no middle
name, and there's no way to shorten my first
name, so I've never had a nickname (except
Luisa, which was self-imposed, and none of
my irl friends use it).

Lu "always jealous of middle names" isa

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