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Re: Name associations
Posted By: julian, on host
Date: Tuesday, June 19, 2001, at 06:36:50
In Reply To: Re: Name associations posted by Juho on Tuesday, June 19, 2001, at 06:11:31:

> > > It interests me how names seem to cluster.
> >
> > I attended a graphic design class some years ago. We were almost 20 students, and out of those, there was one Jeanette, one Nanett, one Anett and one Anette who pronounced her name like Anett.
> >
> > Trav"confusion among both teachers and students"holt
> Years ago my little brother had classmates called Ari, Lari, and Ilari. At the same time I had three classmates who were all named Ville.
> Juho

So, my split personality finally manifested itself as my login name goes to RinkForum. How's that for a name coincidence! In Denmark, there is a List Of Allowed Names, which perhaps degrades the novelty of having five Michaels in my high school class. There was a great rave a couple of years ago when a couple wanted to call their newborn Cristophpher. That would simply not do.

jul"suggests Denmark for Dave's asteroid attack"ian

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