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Re: Unfortunate Names
Posted By: Arthur, on host
Date: Wednesday, June 20, 2001, at 09:29:39
In Reply To: Re: Unfortunate Names posted by Sam on Tuesday, June 19, 2001, at 16:19:57:

> > Sam has probably heard many Dr. Seuss references.
> I have, and some of them even intended to be derogatory, but I never resented it. In fact, I have a "Sam-I-Am" T-shirt (as does my father, who has the same name) and wear it with pride.
> My great uncle is named Charlie Brown. He gets the biggest kick out of sharing his name with the famous comic strip character, and whenever that fact is brought up, he grins, maybe winks, and makes some lighthearted quip about it. One of his sons is named Chuck. He doesn't think as highly of it.
> It's all a matter of how you choose to look at it, I guess. Granted, some names are easier to be positive about than others.

I'd *like* it if more people made Journeyman Project or HHGttG references when they heard my name.

But all I ever get, except for the occasional Art Garfunkel riff, is King Arthur references. And not even *good* ones. (And thy computer shall be called Excalibur!)

It would be funnier if I had a girlfriend named Jennifer (Guenevere; okay, no one would get that, but still) and a best friend named Lance. But I don't know anybody named Lance, and the only person I know named Jennifer vaguely dislikes me. And I wouldn't want to go around paranoid all the time anyway.

Now, my brother, on the other hand, has the name "Norbert". That's just cruel, even when people haven't seen Nickolodeon's Angry Beavers show or read Isaac and Janet Asmiov's Norby series.

Ar"has used an evil alter ego named 'Mordred' on some forums"thur

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