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Re: Unfortunate Names
Posted By: Sosiqui, on host
Date: Wednesday, June 20, 2001, at 17:18:47
In Reply To: Re: Unfortunate Names posted by Arthur on Wednesday, June 20, 2001, at 17:06:55:

> But hey! You're breaking character! You're supposed to be all mysterious and distant and powerful and long-dead and vanished and stuff! :(

Who said I wasn't powerful? Hey, I USE my Sosiqui powers over time and the Legacy and such in chat when I have a reason to! ;) Of course, seeing as I haven't been able to be in chat lately, you probably haven't seen that...

Besides, being powerful like that means I can do whatever I want, including not being long-dead (actually, in the game, it's 'long since transcended this universe', not dead) and not being vanished :p

But I'm still mysterious. Nobody knows the fullness of the mystery that is Sosiqui! :) Heehee.

Sosi"and, like the 'real' Sosiqui, I'm rather fond of cornbread"qui