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ACT or SAT...and other babblings from the Mind of Swiss
Posted By: Den-Kara, on host
Date: Wednesday, May 30, 2001, at 18:29:12
In Reply To: The Day of Doom...My SAT Scores posted by Den-Kara on Tuesday, May 29, 2001, at 18:05:28:

Wow, thank you for all your comments on this, people. I appreciate it. :)

Anywho, I spoke to the counselor today and he told me that maybe I should look into the ACT to see if it'd be easier for me. I borrowed a preparation book from him, and I about fainted when I looked at the sample math questions. They seem about 25 times harder than the SAT math questions, and I thought THOSE were difficult! YEESH! And even the English portions seem way tougher. Instead of spifferific analogies and sentence completion thingamajiggers, there are all these huge passages to read and pick what sentence needs to be changed, what order the paragraphs should be in, etc. It seemed really hard.

I dunno which one I should take. I'll look into the ACT more in-depthly before I give up on it, but please feel free to let me know what you all think would be best. I'm kinda thinking maybe the SAT would be better because I'd know the format and question types already, but then again, maybe something different would be best. *shrug* I dunno.

I don't know if I mentioned this here already, but since I have been neglecting coming here, I'll say it anyway. This summer I'm taking a Psychology 201 class, which means I get a 30% discount, so yippee skippy and bring out the celery stalks! I wanted to take Psych. in high school, but I couldn't fit it into my schedule next year, which includes a full year's woth of creative writing. *straps on her Moon Shoes and jumps for joy*

I'm totally lost in my Algebra II class. We're reviewing for next week's finals, and I can't even remember how to do quadratic equations...functions...whatever they're called. When I ask for help, my math teacher does the problem for me rather than explaining it, which has now become a pet peeve of mine. Don't get me wrong, I love my math teacher...I think she's a wonderful person...but how am I supposed to learn unless I WHY she's doing what she's doing. *pulls her hair out and makes a rope with it*

Speaking of ropes, did anyone besides me watch the thing on TLC or Discovery Channel or something (heh) that was about people attempting to do the things the Egyption way? Yeah, there were these people in Egypt who were trying to figure out how to erect these huge, 300-ton obelisks and what-not, and they didn't know how. There were rigging up over a mile of rope to the stone and this weird, wooden, contraption whatchamacallit. I thought it was funny because they thought they were making progress, but the ropes were just stretching all out of shape. The guy leading the operation got pretty mad, and most likely felt dumb.

I'm obsessed with Egypt. If my family was rich, I'd go there as a graduation gift/trip thing. But instead I'm probably going to either go to Disneyland and Universal Studios or get a jukebox. I really want a jukebox, but it might be stupid to get one because I couldn't take it to college with me. I mean, yeesh, I'd be scared to even take CDs with me. Maybe I'm just paranoid.

I have to give a speech about my term paper sometime very soon. The paper was about the pop culture of the, mainly. I was going to show a clip of The Buggles' "Video Killed the Radio Star" as my visual, but I accidentally recorded over it. Harumph! Oh, well, I could always dress up like *cough* Madonna. *cough* Actually, that'd be pretty creepy...I would never do that. Nopers, no way.

Okay, well, I do believe I've babbles on long enough. Tut-tut, it doesn't look like rain for once.

~Den-"tomorrow's the seniors' last day, and I still don't know when graduation is"Kara

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