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Re: Secrets of Lost Empires? (previously other babblings...)
Posted By: Nyperold, on host
Date: Thursday, May 31, 2001, at 13:50:00
In Reply To: ACT or SAT...and other babblings from the Mind of Swiss posted by Den-Kara on Wednesday, May 30, 2001, at 18:29:12:

> Speaking of ropes, did anyone besides me watch the thing on TLC or Discovery Channel or something (heh) that was about people attempting to do the things the Egyption way? ...trying to figure out how to erect these huge, 300-ton obelisks and what-not, and they didn't know how. There were rigging up over a mile of rope to the stone and this weird, wooden, ...whatchamacallit. I thought it was funny because they thought they were making progress, but the ropes were just stretching all out of shape. The guy leading the operation got pretty mad, and most likely felt dumb.

Might you mean "Secrets of Lost Emipres"? We get that series on PBS. They raise sun-pillars(obelisks) and Moai, build Roman baths, and so on, trying to do it the way the people of the time would have done it. I *personally* would have to choose building a Roman bath over the other two... Not to tell other people what to do.

> ~Den-"tomorrow's the seniors' last day, and I still don't know when graduation is"Kara

Nyper"Would go for longer, as recommended, but I'm too concise"old