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AGL Hall of Fame
Posted By: Issachar, on host
Date: Wednesday, June 16, 1999, at 14:04:58

You know what's sort of pathetic? Approximately one hillion jillion people (give or take a few zillion) have completed The Trainer and are listed in its Hall of Fame, but there are a scant 39 entries in the Hall of Fame for Fantasy Quest. A few of those 39 even appear to be re-plays by the same people.

I'm assuming that pretty much everyone who completes The Trainer goes ahead and registers for Fantasy Quest, which means that there are a hillion jillion players out there who have abandoned FQ in the middle of things. Why? Is it only because of the black cat or similar stumpers (for which Sam has already received more than his due share of flak)?

I hope that really tough puzzles are the main reason people aren't finishing FQ, since I could forestall the FQ effect in my own game by simply taking special care to avoid extremely difficult puzzles. But if people are just giving up because they get bored, what a pity. Only 39 people (or less) have ever read the really great ending to Fantasy Quest. That's a shame, and I hope it doesn't happen as much with GotA or with MAD ("My AGL Design" :p ).

Is there anyone in this forum who has given up before completing FQ, and would you mind sharing some advice as to how the game could have been improved to give players more motivation to finish?

Iss "I know fox-spitting can be addictive, but you gotta move *beyond* that part eventually..." achar

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