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Re: AGL Hall of Fame
Posted By: Stephen, on host
Date: Wednesday, June 16, 1999, at 21:51:36
In Reply To: Re: AGL Hall of Fame posted by Matt J. on Wednesday, June 16, 1999, at 20:20:24:

> I couldn't agree with you more. Even though
> graphics have come a really long way, and
> some games nowadays can be graphically
> breathtaking, I ***really*** miss the old
> text adventure games; especially the Infocom
> ones. How about Zork, Bureaucracy, Leather
> Goddesses of Phobos, Nord&Bert Couldnt Make
> Heads or Tails of It, etc... Ah, the
> memories of challenging, imagination-inducing
> games. :-)

I agree. While there are some really great games that sport equally impressive graphics, there is nothing that has really replaced the old text adventure genre. Maybe the earlier Sierra games, but even the adventure genre has been horribly twisted so that everything is a clone of Myst. And while I'll admit that I got into Myst, basically all of it's imitators have been pretty much horrible (even the sequel, Riven, was utter garbage). Has anybody tried the recent Zork games? Grand Inquisitor and Nemesis I think is what they're called; there may have been another. I haven't tried either though I have heard decent things about them (personally they looked a bit too Myst-like for me).

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