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Re: AGL Hall of Fame
Posted By: Sam, on host
Date: Sunday, June 20, 1999, at 06:02:46
In Reply To: Re: AGL Hall of Fame posted by on Saturday, June 19, 1999, at 23:05:20:

> Actually, in ZGI, everything you do actually HELPS you to solve the game.

AACK! I didn't realize exactly how literally you meant the word "everything." That's terrible!

> I don't think AGL is too easy; nor do I think that there's anything wrong with the way that AGL is designed. If anyone thought I was saying anything anything, er, "bad" about AGL in my last post, then...well..."I really didn't mean it!" and I'm very sorry.

No, no, I wasn't thinking or suggesting that you did. I was only using AGL as an example. My post was motivated more by my passionate distaste for the games that play dirty.

> -Anony "someday I'll work up the courage to put my own name here" mous.

How about adopting a nickname instead? Only a few of the people here use their real names. Then we'd have something to call you by. It's either that or you get the nickname "Space" just for lack of anything better to call you. :-)