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Re: Rule Britannia: here's my little flame-bait opinion
Posted By: wintermute, on host
Date: Wednesday, May 30, 2001, at 01:27:14
In Reply To: Re: Rule Britannia: here's my little flame-bait opinion posted by Brunnen-G on Tuesday, May 29, 2001, at 15:09:17:

> In New Zealand we get a long weekend this coming weekend. Monday is the "official" Queen's Birthday holiday. A day off is always nice, but I have no respect for a monarch whatsoever, apart from that which I think is due to anybody based on their personal qualities and achievements. I'd say I was anti-monarchy, but probably it's just that I don't have much respect for anybody. ;-)
> My views on the monarchy are that you get good rulers and bad rulers whether they call themselves a king, a president, a Supreme Dictator or whatever the heck they like. However, if they're still hanging around doing nothing useful, at great expense, and expecting respect for it, a couple of centuries after they've stopped ruling by any sane standards, I say to hell with 'em. I can't wait until NZ gets around to officially chopping off our last ties to an obsolete monarchy 12,000 miles away on the other side of the world.
> Brunnen-"doesn't presume to tell Brits what they should do with their own country, though, so if they like the monarchy, best of luck to them"G

Always nice to get feedback on my comments, and I have to say that even in Britain being a monarchist is sadly out of favour. Especially amongst my age group.

However I strongly believe that for all its excesses, autocracy it is capable of providing better governance than a populist vote. I can here the gasps of amazement already.

The point is thus: With a monarchy (and by that I mean a real monarchy with actual powers, not the figureheads we have at the moment) you have people trained from birth to rule the country, and who know that if they do a bad job, they get their heads cut off. I would far rather see that than have horrible little oiks like Tony Blair voted in because the look good on TV and knowing that if the destroy the country they can get a £100,000 a year directorship of BP.

I do agree that a good King is going to be no better than a good president, but I think there is far more impetus for a King to do a good job than there is for a president.

winter"the cavalier"mute

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