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Election Fever? More like Election Disease
Posted By: Chrico, on host
Date: Tuesday, May 29, 2001, at 12:04:54

As some of you may well know, there is a British general election looming. Everybody in the UK knows exactly what the outcome will be (the same as last year), but the problem isn't that. The problem is that the British media is being literally SWAMPED with election this, election that, election the other.

For instance, todays copy of "The Guardian" newspaper contained at least eight full pages of election coverage. Every day there appears to be an election debate on TV - most of which are about the Euro(pean Currency) and taxes.

This appears to have happened because all of the election campaigning has been condensed into a one-month period, unlike the USA's two-odd years worth of oing round kissing babies and opening shopping malls. Also, as we don't in effect have a two-party system - we have a two-and-a-half party system, as the third party only gets about 12% in the polls, but there are other yet smaller parties, such as (I love this) the Church of the Militant Elvis party - there is more campaigning than usual in this one single month. Add into this a mixture of media hype and the 6 O'Clock news, and you have an awful mess of people saying one thing and other people saying another, with me in the middle getting a massive headache.

Phew. I'm exhausted now.

Chr"Liberal Democrat, and proud of it!"ico

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