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Re: Election Fever? More like Election Disease
Posted By: wintermute, on host
Date: Wednesday, May 30, 2001, at 01:37:51
In Reply To: Re: Election Fever? More like Election Disease posted by koalamom on Tuesday, May 29, 2001, at 21:07:33:

> Why is it condensed into a one month period?
> koala"just wondering again"mom

The short answer is that's the longest we can stand to have politicians around.

No that can't be right. They'd never respect our wishes that well. It must be a combination of the cost (not much compared to a US election, admittedly)of keeping the campaign running longer, and the fact that people omly seem to take notice of what's been said in the few weeks preceding the election.

Since Labour got into power 4 years ago: every farm in the country's being closed down; we have seen more tax hikes than by any other government in history; the government is spending a record amount on self-publicity and spin; the Labour party regularly breaks their own laws on declairing income; hospitals and schools are being closed down at a record rate; petrol has jumped from £2.50 to £4.00 per gallon of which 80% is tax; the trains are worse than you can believe; and crime is up.

And yet because they throw so much money at the campaign trail in such a short period of time, they're going to get back in again.

winter"prove me wrong, PLEASE!"mute

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