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Re: Election Fever? More like Election Disease
Posted By: Zarniwoop, on host
Date: Thursday, May 31, 2001, at 04:14:22
In Reply To: Re: Election Fever? More like Election Disease posted by wintermute on Wednesday, May 30, 2001, at 01:37:51:

And yet because they throw so much money at the campaign trail in such a short period of time, they're going to get back in again.
> winter"prove me wrong, PLEASE!"mute

Well, that MIGHT have something to do with it BUT I feel there are two bigger, more important reasons:

1). Nobody can bring themselves to vote Lib Dem or Socialist Alliance in any great number.

2). William Hague is an idiot.

Zarn"Just let him back in and have done with it"iwoop

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