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Reason: Significancer
Posted By: Mike, the penny-stamp man, on host
Date: Sunday, May 13, 2001, at 22:36:33
In Reply To: Corrections Welcome posted by Oeras on Sunday, May 13, 2001, at 13:17:21:

> Space is vast ...

[Gargantuan snip]

Despite my love for Star Trek and other sci-fi shows, science cannot conclusively prove (much of anything, but most especially) the existence of a single planet outside this solar system. While i realize that mathematics, which helped prove the yet unseen presence of all planets past Saturn in our own solar system before they could actually be viewed by telescope, may suggest such, we are FAR (i.e., distance to nearest star) from making visual contact with any planets orbiting other stars.

Life here couldn't get much more significant than that (in my uneducated opinion), regardless of its non-effect on outside systems.

Penny "OK, so perhaps i'm just exulting in my own ignorance" stamp


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