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Re: Reason: Significancer
Posted By: Oeras, on host
Date: Monday, May 14, 2001, at 17:57:28
In Reply To: Re: Reason: Significancer posted by wintermute on Monday, May 14, 2001, at 03:19:16:

> Life is (indirecty) what allows us to assign importance and significance to the Universe. I believe that what I do now will not make one whit of difference 60 trillion years from now when the Universe cools and dies, but in the short term,my actions affect (indirectly) thousands of people every day.
> That is significant and taking a cosmic view of these things to say that nothing matters is foolish and, if taken to extremes, very dangerous for everyone involved.

I totally agree. I was just getting my theory of everything written down. I don't think anything would exist without some sort of purpose, even if it doesn't make a difference in 60 trillion years. I also meant "nothing" as in the long term. 'Course, this ties right into my theory of religion, but that is a whole other post...

Oer"This beats a personal record for most replies to a post!"as

> winter"staring into the Void, seeking the face that stares back"mute

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