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Re: Reductionism?
Posted By: Wolfspirit, on host
Date: Wednesday, May 16, 2001, at 10:30:41
In Reply To: Re: 'Nothing' is not empty posted by gabby on Tuesday, May 15, 2001, at 14:10:11:

> > Can it all be explained in chemical terms, or is there something happening on a molecular or atomic level that can't be explained? I've often fantasized that *this* is the power of God -- what keeps all life living.
> > Travholt.
> Reductionism ("it's all just chemistry") is a fascinating idea, except that it would destroy the foundation of the knowledge, but it's apparently fairly popular in strict Darwinist writings. It has been discussed lightly here before. My own view is that there is something to this existance that we do not yet know.

Your last statement is what I have always maintained, about humans suffering from the handicap of our limited senses and minds when we attempt to fathom the unknown. We don't have the perspective of God, after all. I'm curious, actually, what you mean by "Reductionism ... has been discussed lightly here before, ... a fascinating idea, except that it would destroy the foundation of the knowledge."

That's terribly vague. With all due respect, what did you mean by this, may I ask?

Wolf "I think the joke about Reductionism is that at the most basic level, 'it's all just physics.'" spirit

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