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Re: 'Nothing' is not empty
Posted By: Travholt, on host
Date: Tuesday, May 15, 2001, at 13:23:12
In Reply To: Re: 'Nothing' is not empty posted by Oeras on Monday, May 14, 2001, at 23:50:54:

> The basic point of the original post was that we (people) are insignifigant, if not meaningless, and nothing matters in the long run (TOE, right there). Later, it got added that things *did* matter in the short run. And, that while it may all be futile, we have to keep on living our lives. What else is there to do?

This made me think of something I've often wondered: From where comes the force of life, the will to live? What makes cells tick? What makes DNA strings unwind and copy themselves? What makes any living being want to live, no matter what? (And I'm not considering suicide and euthanasia here, that's a whole other thread. I speak in general terms.)

Can it all be explained in chemical terms, or is there something happening on a molecular or atomic level that can't be explained? I've often fantasized that *this* is the power of God -- what keeps all life living.


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