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Re: Atlanta traffic report
Posted By: Issachar, on host
Date: Monday, June 7, 1999, at 07:20:22
In Reply To: Atlanta traffic report posted by Howard on Saturday, June 5, 1999, at 14:05:56:

>If an accident occurs in the southbound lane of the Interstate, all northbound motorists are required to stop and look. This usually results in a northbound accident which requires all unwrecked southbound motorists to stop and look.

Ugh. This is one of my big motoring pet peeves. It happened yesterday as I was driving back home from church. An accident had evidently only just happened on the other side of the highway, and naturally, everyone on my side just had to slow to a crawl to gawk at it. Somewhere high on my list of "proverbs to proclaim to the world if they ever build a megaphone large enough" would be:

"Don't stop and gawk! Just keep driving!"

This, of course, does not apply if you are in a position to actually help the accident victim, but how many gawkers can ever say that?

Iss "glad to see the twisted mind is back" achar

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