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Re: Atlanta traffic report
Posted By: liliane, on host
Date: Tuesday, June 8, 1999, at 08:11:56
In Reply To: Re: Atlanta traffic report posted by Truth on Monday, June 7, 1999, at 14:28:50:

> > >If an accident occurs in the southbound lane of the Interstate, all northbound motorists are required to stop and look. This usually results in a northbound accident which requires all unwrecked southbound motorists to stop and look.
> >
> > Ugh. This is one of my big motoring pet peeves. It happened yesterday as I was driving back home from church. An accident had evidently only just happened on the other side of the highway, and naturally, everyone on my side just had to slow to a crawl to gawk at it. Somewhere high on my list of "proverbs to proclaim to the world if they ever build a megaphone large enough" would be:
> >
> > "Don't stop and gawk! Just keep driving!"
> >
> > This, of course, does not apply if you are in a position to actually help the accident victim, but how many gawkers can ever say that?
> >
> > Iss "glad to see the twisted mind is back" achar
> Since we're on the subject of motorists who stop to gawk...I was driving on a four lane freeway a few weeks ago and traffic was crawling along at a snail's pace. The accident was in the fast lane so everyone was moving into the slow lane. I merged behind a guy and right as we got to the scene of the accident, he stopped his car, pulled out a camera and started taking pictures! Since there were only two lanes in our direction, he completely stopped traffic so that he could snap pictures of a car wreck. Then, when I honked at him so that he'd move his car, he had the nerve to flip me off.
> Truth

Maybe he was small town folk like me... Traffic accidents are so rare around my home town I might take photos to show the folks back home what one looked like. I live on an island about 7 miles across, so if you want to go for a drive for half an hour or so to calm down you go round... and round ... and round ... and round ... etc..
Whats a freeway?
Whats a lane?
(Whats a traffic light, or a give way sign - we don't got them, like speed limits over 40 kph or roads that can support them...)
the good news is we have about 1 car accident that injures or kills someone every 5 years here... the bad news is the ones we cause when we go to the mainland, and drive
over there.


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