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Posted By: ThePhan, on host
Date: Tuesday, March 20, 2001, at 20:29:20

I had a RinkDream!!

Okay, I've had VERY odd dreams... and this is one of the weirdest yet. It was mixed with characters from real life. And no, I did not "see" anybody in the dream... I remember their presence, but cannot remember what I dreamed they looked like. *sigh* That could have been amusing.

Everybody at RinkChat had decided to get together for a huge "RinkWorks Members" week in Illinois. I remember waiting for everybody to show up while I was waiting ... at my church (?) with a girl I know named Alisha. We kept signing these pink papers saying that the RinkWorkers could picket whoever they wanted within the next week, (must have been nice for Stephen...) as long as they didn't physically abuse anybody. The papers had pink roses around the edges and were written in calligraphy.

So then the bus with all you peoples showed up and Alisha left (why was she there in the first place?). Going along with the plot line that you guys had all decided to make me and my friends the center of everything, we used our church bus to take us from place to place.

All of a sudden we were back. At the church. And they had poured cement two feet up in front of the doors so we couldn't open them, so Stephen says, "Aha! I know what to do!" and he takes a chainsaw out of his pocket (he was wearing this REALLY BIG, REALLY UGLY coat that actually belongs to a guy I know), walked up to the doors, and cut them in half so the top half of the door swung open while the bottom remained under cement. So we all go into the church. Exceeeeept...

I can't get in. The cement is sloping and so every time I try to open the door, I lose my balance and fall over. Suddenly Sam appears behind me and says, "What's your problem?"

I tell him.

"Yeah," he says, "I know, I have that problem all the time." ???? This vandalism happened while we were out sightseeing or whatever we were doing... does Sam regularly get cement poured in front of his doors so he has to cut them in half and crawl in through the top? And THEN he says, "I was thinking about getting new doors." What the heck? I was thinking, "He is NOT in charge of the church, he doesn't even LIVE in Illinois, he's never even MET our pastors, he has been here for a total of ONE day, and he wants to replace our doors??"

And then he gets down on his hands and knees and says, "This is how ya do it," and he opens the door with his teeth and crawls in. So I just sorta stare, thinking, "HUH?" When Leen comes up and pushes me in. I don't know how I knew it was Leen because I had my back to her, but I just knew.

So I was lying on the floor and watching everybody else doing some REALLY odd game that had several steps that seemed to be something like:

1. Look at 2 of several jumpropes on the floor.
2. Take Jumprope 1 and cross it over Jumprope 2.
3. Read the German word that will appear over the jumpropes.
4. Translate it into English.
5. Push the jumpropes toward the mouseholes in the other wall.
6. Wait for Alisha, waiting outside, to pull them through the mouseholes and out onto the grass.

?!!?!? What in the HECK?!?!?!

So I remember watching this for some time when a guy I know got his foot caught in the jumprope and was screaming his head off as he was being pulled toward the mouseholes, so Brunnen_G screamed, "GET HIM! GET HIM! HE'S GOING TO TURN INTO ICE IF YOU DON'T GET HIM NNNNOOOOOOWWWWW!" So somebody grabbed him and ... well, he didn't get pulled in.

And then, Ticia and Mousie and Darien were still stuck on the first jumprope. (Maybe because they can't speak German? Or can they?) And so Ticia yells, "Hey HANNAH!" (my real name) "CAN YOU SPEAK GERMAN??" (This is similar to an incident that happened to me in real life about four years ago. I was at a youth group meeting and one of the questions on the paper was "what is the Greek word for grace?" and some kid across the room yelled, "HEY HANNAH! CAN YOU SPEAK GREEK?!?"


That was my RinkDream.

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