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You're on too
Posted By: koalamom, on host
Date: Wednesday, March 21, 2001, at 23:58:46
In Reply To: Re: Okay, koalamom, interpret this dream! posted by Fuzzpilz on Wednesday, March 21, 2001, at 13:50:50:

> Long ago, I had a dream that took YEARS. Really. The feeling of time is in no way related to the amount of sleep you get, apparently. Dreams can take half a second (a friend of mine had, in hours of sleep, only one dream: a space shuttle swooping towards him, and then he woke up) or several years. It was something about space... planets were represented, partially, by square flowerpots with mushrooms in them. Parts of it also took place in our (in that dream, strangely distorted) neighbourhood. I, some friends and family somehow lived in a small pile of sand on a deserted piece of land (these weren't rare around here at that time) and would hide in there (it was quite roomy inside, actually) whenever a sort of giant dinosaur or dragon thing came stomping along to kill us or whatever. Somehow we got abducted by aliens and were forced into slave labor on one of their mushroom-flowercase planets or something. Although their never were any aliens. Also, at random intervals, we would be Disney characters instead of ourselves without any change happening. Somehow we then teamed up with the monster or something and got back home and were happy and everything. The rest of the dream was very, very sad and dreary, athmosphere-wise. It's too long ago for me to remember any details, but it's remarkable that I actually managed to spend YEARS in one dream. I had shorter versions of that dream for a few weeks, excerpts from it and such.

The mushroom flowerpot planets represent a group of people--teachers? friends?--who periodically make demands on you (slave labor). These are not people who are close to you (planets are *far away*, aren't they?). When you don't meet their demands, they respond coldly (send dragons to stomp you and turn you into Disney characters). Taa Daa!

koala"Thank you, next, please! Don't forget to visit our gift shop on your way out"mom