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Re: Friendly neighbourhood Wolf takes a dream bite
Posted By: Wolfspirit, on host
Date: Thursday, March 22, 2001, at 11:18:17
In Reply To: Re: Friendly neighbourhood Wolf takes a dream bite posted by ThePhan on Thursday, March 22, 2001, at 09:01:03:

> Wow. I'm honored. I came up with the most interesting RinkDream ever.
> >>> I'm inclined to agree with koalamom that your dream reflects the events we've seen in the Forum.
> Which cracks me up because that was my first visit to the Forum. I didn't read many of the earlier posts - just the Sesame Street one - and then I went to bed and had that dream.
> >>>You've got ice in both your dreams, though. Hannah, you're the best one to understand them for yourself.

Heh. Didn't you just tell me you've been on RinkWorks for over two months, in RinkChat a few times, getting to know our zany ways, AND you've read every single RinkArchive? Is it possible that this 'impossible' zaniness of ours (seen in the Sesame thread) impressed itself on you sufficiently that it would be reflected in your dream that night?

Dreams are one of the mind's curious ways of sorting and reorganizing *new* events learned from the previous day. If you don't go through a dream session after learning something radical (or learning a new skill), it doesn't get integrated sufficiently in memory in such a way that you can use the information. As an aside, this is yet another reason why it's important for students to get a good night's sleep when studying.

> RinkDreams or other ones? I've had only one RinkDream but plenty of other ones... all, I believe, as interesting and weird as this one or the one about ants...
> ThePhan

Thanks for posting the new ones!
