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Re: Somebody had to post about pudding pops, so it might as well
Posted By: Tranio, on host
Date: Friday, August 4, 2000, at 12:49:44
In Reply To: Re: Somebody had to post about pudding pops, so it might as well posted by Wolfspirit on Friday, August 4, 2000, at 10:21:45:

> And pudding... yes... So many choices in hindsight, none of them sugary nor slimy... like Yorkshire pudding from beef drippings, and German blood puddings, and Jewish noodle puddings like cheese kügel.... Darien suggested 'meat pudding' which is a perfectly legit choice -- they are called "Savoury", and one traditional example is the Scots Haggis. It's made with oatmeal, liver, suet and onions :-)
> Wolf "wondering if Ellmyruh might actually prefer the sugary pudding glop to...'brain pudding', don't you think Igor? Muwhahahaha!" spirit

Yess, Masster, yess, Masster... ehheh heh heh ehehh...

According... to the recipe, Masster, we need... a large... beeeef brain,.... but I... undersstand that we... can ssubsstitute... ELLMYRUH'SS BRAAAAIN!!

Firsst,... we'll need to boil it... ...oh waaait.. Firsst, we should remove it... or at leasst... let it hang out a bit...

um... Excusse me, Ellmyruh?? Could you... come over here pleasse... and lean over... toward thisss... chopping block? I... um... need you to... check it'ss.. um... wood grain... ...Yeah... that'ss it... hold sstill pleeeasse...

Tra" Brains pudding/
Budinca de creier

1 large beef brain, 5 egg whites, 2-3 tablespoons breadcrumbs, 1 teaspoon
minced dill, 1 onion, 1 tablespoon butter, salt, pepper, a little flour. For sauce:
1 cup sour cream, 1/2 cup milk, 1 tablespoon flour, 1 tablespoon butter, a little
minced dill, salt

Boil the brain, sieve it and then mix with the chopped and fried in butter onion, dill,
salt, pepper, bread crumbs and the whipped egg whites at the end. Pour this mixture
in a lidded mold which was previously buttered and floured. The mold must be only
3/4 full. Place to boil in a larger pan full of water. The sauce: Lightly fry the flour in
butter and then add the milk. Add sour cream, dill and salt. Let come to a boil and
then serve warm. "nio

Dem brains' good eatin'

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