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Re: Ethics (Oh no!)
Posted By: Sam, on host
Date: Thursday, June 29, 2000, at 15:11:34
In Reply To: Re: Ethics (Oh no!) posted by Travholt on Thursday, June 29, 2000, at 14:07:53:

> Well, if you drive the car, unstrapped, and your family are
> passengers, strapped, your death will certainly affect your
> surviving family.

Doesn't matter. I still have more of a right to my own life than anyone else. If I'm selfish and stupid enough to kill myself for lack of making a trivial safety precaution, and it leaves my family high and dry, that's stupid and grossly irresponsible of me. But it's not something we should legislate. If you're going to legislate against the *ability* to be irresponsible, well, we'd all be in jail for life, except that the no one could possibly manage to write down all the resulting laws before the heat death of the universe. Just because it makes sense to do something, like wearing a seatbelt -- even if the potential consequences of not doing so are calamitous -- doesn't mean we must jump right in and make a law. That's stupid.

> And, at least in a country like Norway, where society pays the
> hospital bill, I think it's perfectly OK for society to make me
> wear seat belts to reduce bodily damage if an accident should
> happen.

That's a whole new can of worms. Personally, I'd fix the other side and make people who hurt themselves from their own stupidity foot the bill.

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