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Re: Ethics (Oh no!)
Posted By: Grishny, on host
Date: Friday, June 30, 2000, at 06:03:35
In Reply To: Re: Ethics (Oh no!) posted by Darien on Thursday, June 29, 2000, at 23:33:51:

> Just as a side note, "the heat-death of the universe" is a really cool phrase. It's fun to say, and it makes you sound all intellectual and stuff. Just try dropping it into ordinary conversation, and watch the results!
> - - - Example 1 - - -
> Betty: How was your day at work?
> Bob: d00d it was SUCKS!!!
> - - - Example 2 - - -
> Betty: How was your day at work?
> Bob: It was like the heat-death of the universe.
> See how smart Bob sounds in example 2? Much smarter than he sounds in example 1, and all because of the phrase "the heat-death of the universe!" And if you respond to this special offer, the phrase "the heat-death of the universe" can be YOURS for only three easy payments of $39.95! But wait, there's more! We'll also throw in a monogrammed plaque proclaiming YOU - yes, YOU! - an OFFICIAL, HONORARY, NO-STRINGS-ATTACHED, SLIPPERY-WHEN-WET rocket surgeon! Order today!
> Dar "And now, a word from our sponsor" ien

dIARen d00d, U r fuNy!~~~lololollllooo!!!!! u R lyk3 t3h HAET DEHth uv th3 uN!v3rZE! LOLOLOLLL!

Gri"oops, I forgot to pay!"shny