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Re: Road Rage
Posted By: Tranio, on host
Date: Friday, June 23, 2000, at 13:09:41
In Reply To: Re: Road Rage posted by Grishny on Friday, June 23, 2000, at 11:52:25:

> > I never use my horn, either, but my *wife* has been known to REACH ACROSS AND BLOW THE HORN FOR ME when she thinks another driver is being an idiot. I HATE that!!!
> >
> > Iss "never one to blow my own horn" achar
> My wife tried to do that once, and we almost had an accident. It hasn't happened since.

My wife's much more passive on the road than myself; I'm not sure she'd ever use a horn. What she has done, though, goes something like this:
I'm driving along comfortably, everything's cool, she's just sitting there enjoying the ride. Then suddenly, she'll yell, "OOHHH, MY GOSH!!" (or some facsimile thereof) Which, in turn, scares the bajesus out of me, my heart stops entirely, then beats at triple time while moving into my throat, and I nearly swerve off of the road in fear of hitting something that I didn't see. Then she'll finish her thought with something like, "Did you see that guy's hat?" --I don't like it when she does that.

> I actually *did* honk my horn just a couple days ago, and it was probably the first time in years. Somebody pulled out in front of me in traffic, forcing me to swerve into the next lane over, which happened to be a lane of oncoming vehicles. Fortunately I had time to get back over before said oncoming vehicles arrived at my location! I think that was a good reason to honk.

A little insurance tip: If you would have hit someone else while swerving to avoid the.. (ahem)... jerk, it would have been your fault. Argue with a claims agent as you may, it would still be your fault because you swerved out of your lane and into them. So, if ever it happens that you're faced with the split second decision to either hit the guy pulling out in front of you, or swerve and possibly hit someone else, don't swerve. Otherwise you'll be paying for it for years in higher premiums. (This is from a hypothetical conversation I had with an agent; I'm not speaking from direct experience.)

> Oh yeah, and I do give a friendly little beep if the person in front of me doens't realize the light has turned green.
> Gri"likes to listen to VW busses honk their's almost comical"shny

One time, my friendly beep had to happen twice, then a third, and a forth, then a longer not-so-friendly beep, then a very long what-the-heck-is-your-problem beep. Then the light changed to red. This old lady just sat there throuh an entire cycle of the light. When the light turned green *again*, she finally went. I then passed her so as to avoid further ...uh... complications.


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