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living sugar-free in a sweetened world
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Monday, July 5, 2004, at 12:58:30

There are some good things about living sugar-free. One thing is that I don't gain weight. In fact my weight is completely stable. I weigh the same every morning.

Another thing is that, because of the diabetes, I can have lots of snacks. I don't get much in the way of brownies and pie, but I eat a lot of snack stuff. Fruit is always good, but my favorite is peanut butter on whole wheat crackers.

Did you know they make peanut butter out of almonds? They have to call it almond butter, and it costs more, but it's similar. And better.

I eat diabetic pumpkin pie year around. Sometimes for dessert, but more often as an afternoon snack.

If I eat too much in the way of sugar-free candy and sugar-free cookies, my blood sugar number go up a little. I still haven't figured that out.

The strange thing is that I can look at all kinds of sugary desserts and remember how good they used to taste, but I'm never tempted. Well, I can't say never. Once there was this big, tall, cold, root beer float and for maybe just a couple of seconds. . . . .

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