Re: MR, POA and TOA
macrinus7, on host
Thursday, July 1, 2004, at 06:29:43
Re: MR, POA and TOA posted by Zoe on Wednesday, June 30, 2004, at 23:01:32:
> I have tried that once, but now my wizzard is dead and we dont have the money to raise her. Also somehow the map I made is not working anymore (things have changed ???) > > Thanks for the hint > > Zoe > > > > Hello there > > > > > > I have tried 3 games: Murkon's refuge, Trail of Anguish and Perils of Akumos. IN Murkon, I have been walking and geting lost and so far only in one level... > > > > Do you have a Wizard in your party? If you do, let him learn the COMPASS (#5) and LOCATION (#8) spells, and cast them each time you leave town. This will allow you to keep track of where you are and where you're going. Use it to make a map.
If you're only exploring in one level so far, then you should be going back to Perrinn. I thought that was free when it came to resurrection. Or at least very cheap. Maybe if you take your other characters out, and do a little bit of looting (you might want to get an alternate source of light at the equipment shop) -- then maybe you can get some things to sell at the equipment shop. Then you can get the cash for resurrecting your wizard. Maybe you need to make a second wizard?
As for the map, each level wraps around. Eventually your sorceror (if you have one) will have a spell that might help you here. And location spells/scrolls should also help for mapping.
The only map that I had problems with was level four -- too easy to misalign the squares.
mac "never mapped the last level, though" rinus7
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