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What's in a name?
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Wednesday, February 11, 2004, at 13:02:09

I've been skimming, rather than reading, a thread on this forum that contains a lot about bible study and a few mentions of drinking. So why is the name of the thread in the subject line, "Unusual shirt?" It doesn't really matter.

On the drinking thing, I have to check the box labeled "Never." I am a total tee-totaler. It has nothing to do with religion or right and wrong, it's just that I have seen what alcoholism can do to ruin peoples' lives. If you had seen what I have seen, you would never touch the stuff. It's like playing Russian roulette; you never know when your action is going to be the biggest mistake of your life. So I never took that first drink.

The money I have saved by not drinking and smoking has bought me a fine collection of antique motor scooters. One of them may kill me someday, but I'll die happy and sober, with good lungs.

So why do people drink? The same reason they smoke, I suppose. They are trying to look cool and impress others. That mostly applies to young people, because older people who become alcoholics sometimes drink to relieve pain, or the pain of failure. As a solution, it ranks right up there with Russian roulette.

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