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Re: Stories
Posted By: Issachar, on host
Date: Friday, September 17, 1999, at 11:26:43
In Reply To: Stories posted by Dave on Friday, September 17, 1999, at 09:49:03:

> Ok, for those of you who wanted to see them, a few of my stories are now online; just click on the following link. Please read and respect the note at the top of the page. Discussion, criticism, praise, and/or derision is welcome here in the message forum. Well, maybe not the derision.
> Looking forward to hearing from all of you.

Okay, I just read all of them except for "The Master's Hand" (I'll get to that one when there's more time). "Stuck" may be my personal favorite so far -- I like a story that portrays people trying to cope with a situation but does not attempt to explain or justify the situation. That was part of what made the original "Night of the Living Dead" so enjoyable for me. The movie doesn't bother to explain *why* there are throngs of murderous zombies walking around; it just plops a group of people into that situation and records their efforts to survive.

I'll go back and read all the stories again when I have a chance to read them more closely and digest them afterwards. For now, here's one "I like them" from us readers, with more significant comments to follow.


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